Last nite, I only reached Shah Alam at 12.10 am. Have no heart to go back to my tiny 'sarang' at section 3, after having fabulous moments with those I love back at my home sweet home during the Eid. I really could'nt sleep (only at 2 am f I fall asleep), and starting to miss everything i've captured for almost 12 days at home.. miss Mom and Dad, miss my siblings, miss my cats, miss Najla, (my youngest lovely anak saudara), miss my BJN 1965 ... Huwaaaa!! Really homesick!! Dah tua bangka pun homesick!! Sounds funny, but that's the fact... I am homesick!!
Today, I have to return to my daily routine. Drive my brother's WBN 1758, punch in at 8am, punch out at 5 (but I don't usually go back on time, though I came before 8 o'clock in the morning) do all the tasks given, vetting documents, attending meetings and conferences, giving opinion, updating status, doing reports and researchs, presenting papers.. etc...etc..
Though i feel very blessed of having a stable job (alhamdulillah, thank you Allah :)), and oso enjoying my Maher Zain tracks while driving to the office (miss him already!haha..) sometimes I do feel bored doing all the routines. Its almost 6 years I did those thing, ok? Huhu... It's a long time I've been serving here. Well, I guess it is about time to do what I love most. Gaining knowledge..... :) Hope Allah shall ease my way to reach my dream.. Aminn..
"Its complicated"
Shah Alam
"Its complicated"
Shah Alam
6 ulasan:
"miss my BJN 1965 ... " hahahaha, sabar ye...
Yup ana,
Miss him oredi.. terpaksa memilih antara 2 cinta.. hehehe.. Abah lebih ku cinta..:P
klu kuar ikut thn tu mmg dh kira antik tu...huhuhu
Dah dua tahun lebih duk mai ziarah kot ni, bila seminggu tak mai rasa macam dah lama.
Demikianlah masa berjalan ia tidak pernah perdulikan kita, namun begitu kita terpaksa menerima hakikat bahawa masa memang demikian tabiatnya.
Masa yang dihadapan itu adalah emas dan masa yang berlalu itu hanya kenangan....Ewah bermadah pula...saja nak memeriahkan laman ini.he3.
Salam Pak Ngah,
masa memang tak pedulikan kita, kita yang kena peduli tentang masa..
semalam sudah berlalu, hari ini buat sebaiknya lebih baik daris emalam, kerana esok belum tentu kita ada peluang..:)Madah saya pulak.. chewah!!:D
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